Unit 8: Music Lovers

Unit 8: Music Lovers

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

Past simple affirmative: regular and irregular verbs

Past simple affirmative: regular verbs

Final –e
Final consonant + y
Short vowel + consonant
Watch + ed
Love + d
Carry – y + ied

Plan  - double the consonant + ed

Past simple affirmative: list of 20 most common irregular verbs

1. be                was/were
2. do                 did
3. eat               ate
4. feel               felt
5. find              found
6. get               got
7. give             gave
8. go                went
9. have             had
10. hear           heard
11. know          knew
12. leave          left
13. make         made
14. read           read
15. see            saw
16. take           took
17. tell              told
18. think          thought
19. write          wrote
20. win            won

Other irregular verbs you can find in your Students' book (page 95)
buy                bought
hear              heard
become       became
meet            met
sing             sang

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